Comprehensive Eye Exams in Saskatoon

See Things Our Way

At Vista Eyecare, we’re committed to providing a comprehensive experience for your entire family. To do this, we use specialized technology to test your vision and thoroughly examine your eyes.

It’s no secret that many eye issues can develop without showing early symptoms. Fortunately, we can detect eye disease even before you know there is a problem and provide you with tailored solutions.

When To Visit Vista Eyecare

Regular eye exams can be the difference between healthy vision and compromised eyesight. The Canadian Association of Optometrists has outlined a schedule for adult and senior eye exams:


should receive an eye exam every 2 to 3 years


should receive an eye exam at least once every 2 years


> 65
should receive an eye exam once every year

Everyone’s eye health needs are different, so your optometrist may recommend a custom schedule for you.

What We Look For

Our testing process and technology can diagnose eye conditions even before you notice a problem. We check for eye diseases like:

  • Glaucoma

  • Age-related macular degeneration

  • Cataract

  • Retinal tear and detachment

  • Dry eye syndrome

  • Digital eye strain

Our Comprehensive Process

When you walk into our office, relax and let us guide you through our comprehensive eye exam process.

Case History

Let’s get to know your story! Many eye conditions are hereditary, so if you have family members with eye problems, we want to hear about it. We also need to know if you have medical conditions that could affect your eyes, like diabetes. Bring a list of your medications if you can, along with your current glasses and contact lenses.

Visual Acuity Testing

This test measures your ability to see objects of different sizes at a distance and near. This helps us determine if your eyeglass or contact lens prescriptions need to be changed and detect any red flags or if you might have an eye health problem. If you can picture the classic eye chart, then you’re familiar with a visual acuity test.

Visual Field Test

Peripheral vision loss can be an early sign of some eye diseases, like glaucoma. We use the Humphrey FDT Perimeter to ensure your peripheral vision is working as it should. It's a non-invasive test that uses visual stimuli to screen for areas of vision loss.

Digital Retinal Imaging

We use the Optos California Ultra-Widefield digital retinal camera to obtain crystal clear images of your retina. These pictures help us identify abnormalities at the back of your eye. Digital retinal imaging is a non-invasive test that helps us diagnose eye diseases early and monitor conditions year to year.


This is the part you all know and love where we ask "which is better, 1 or 2". We will also check things like accomodation or focusing to make sure you can comfortably see at near and work on devices comfortably. This helps us find the perfect prescription for you and your needs.

Ocular Health Exam

When you think of the eye doctor you may just think of glasses and contacts but the ocular health exam is the most important part of our job. We take a thorough look at your eyes both inside and out to make sure your eyes are healthy right now and to look for any risk factors for future eye problems. We want to make sure you see as well as possible for years to come.

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